Fireworks are no laughing matter for your pet …

FireworksThe 4th of July is a festive holiday of fun, sun, BBQ’s and of course, awe-inspring fireworks! But, as you make your plans for the upcoming holiday, what are your plans to keep your pets safe, happy and secure?

  • First, leave your pets at home and inside a quiet and escape-proof room; one with closed and covered (or better yet, no windows; dogs have been known to go through windows when frightened and trying to escape). Pet-proof the room from anxious chewing or potential hazards if your pet does become anxious or fearful. Even the most well-trained, calmest dogs (and cats) can do unexpected things when afraid.
  • NEVER leave your pets in your car.
  • Keep pets away from all alcohol, hot BBQ’s and food (including condiments like mustard (induces vomiting) and ketchup (induces vomiting, fever, weakness and collapse).
  • Keep holiday decorations out of reach (including fireworks and glowsticks).
  • Consider using a Thundershirt to help keep your dog calm.
  • Use a dogsitter to keep your dog company.
  • Make sure your dog can access their “safe place” (crate) and leave a frozen kong toy filled with peanut butter to keep them busy and distracted from the loud noises outside. Do NOT crate an anxious dog as this may escalate their fear and frantic attempts at escaping.
  • Play soothing music or “white noise” to help drown out loud noise.
  • For animals with severe anxiety during the 4th of July holiday, talk to your vet about potential medication or homeopathic options to help keep them calm.
  • Make sure your pet has ID tags and is microchipped in case they still find a way to run away.

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